Benefits of Black Tea for Skin: Can Prevent Infections

Black tea is also commonly referred to as red tea in various East Asian languages. This type of tea is generally stronger in taste than other teas. Black tea is more oxidized than oolong, yellow, white and green teas.

Besides being beneficial for health, black tea also has many uses for the skin. This tea can fight skin infections, delay skin aging, and reduce eye bags.

Here are the benefits of black tea for the skin:

1. Prevents Skin Infections
Skin is the largest organ in the body. Skin conditions that require proper care. Most skin infections occur due to microbial colonization.

Tea catechins and flavonoids can help prevent skin infections. If you have frequent skin infections, drinking black tea can speed up the healing process.

2. Reduces Swelling
Swelling under the eyes is a serious problem for both women and men. This condition can make your eyes look tired … Read the rest

How to Treat Panda Eyes

Panda eyes or dark circles around the eyes are disturbing appearance. For most people, especially women, having panda eyes can lower self-confidence.

Panda eyes appear due to several factors, one of which is lifestyle. This complaint can arise due to lack of sleep to stare at the screen too often.

Here are some ways you can do to deal with panda eyes:
1. Get enough sleep
A 2017 study published in the Royal Society Open Science examined the effects of sleep deprivation on appearance.

The study found that people who slept four hours had more visible dark circles under the eyes when compared to those who slept for eight hours.

“Lack of sleep can contribute to darker blood vessels as well as fluid buildup under the eyes that produces dark shadows,” says Karly O’Keefe, beautician and owner of facial treatment center, SkincraftLA in Los Angeles.

Lack of sleep can also … Read the rest